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Old 2013-05-13, 14:49   Link #32245
Witch of Uncertainty
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Well, to be honest, Kyrie/Rudolf, and probably Eva were never "invited" down there, and they are the only real fighters (well, maybe not rudolf, but..). If she invited them down (Krauss and Natsuhi), they would probably first be amazed by all the gold, and then realizing that Yasu is pointing a gun at them, explaining how things will work out.
She could also threaten with the fact that she has "more people" on her side. We know for a fact that Genji would do anything for her.

But then again, this is the Story by Yasu. I very much doubt that she threatened them with the bomb in reality. No, In prime, I think she offered the gold, and asked them for their cooperation for a fake-murder game. And the something went wrong.
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