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Old 2013-05-14, 16:11   Link #26514
No time to sleep, 不幸だ
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: The Big Apple
Age: 30
Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
Speak for yourself, I seriously wouldn't. I can understand why Touma would, given the situation and everything, but that doesn't mean he's blameless.

One thing I learnt from a young age is that sometimes, running makes you look guilty.
Point taken, they are both at fault. I personally believe that Mikoto deserves much more of the blame. However, we're both having a difference of opinion so let's agree to disagree and move on.

Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
That's audience bias. We know he's doing something but she doesn't, and it's not like every single weird thing that happens to Touma is because of some incident.

Remember Vol.16? Itsuwa saw Touma being chased and figured, hey, it must be Acqua, cause you know, Kamijou Touma, when it was just his teacher chasing him for skipping school.
At the same time, we know that Itsuwa has never been to Academy City nor had any of them except for Touma seen Acqua of the Back at the time.

The difference here is that Mikoto knows that Touma has a thing for getting involved in incidents and as such did not think of that possibility at all. She should know that every time Touma gets involved in something weird, there is an explanation.

Well, I think this is also going to be a point we will continue to disagree on so let's agree to disagree and move on with this too.

On another note
But then the intellectual girl (with glasses) found a book that mentioned that NORAD, famous for ballistic missile defense, used radars and satellites to track Santa Claus. This only confused the situation further.
How many years has it been since I have looked at NORAD's Santa tracker? Brings back memories.

At the same time, kids can talk for long periods of time on the weirdest things, huh?
I was reading this on the subway on the way home and I broke out into laughter and people gave me some weird looks.

Maybe these kids will eventually find out about and investigate the Nicholas Foundation...I smell a Christmas special plot in the making.
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