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Old 2013-05-25, 23:19   Link #188
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Flying Dagger View Post
Spoiler for they cut that part in ep8...:
At least it's worth noting that said scene was clearly referenced. It's almost certain that it will be featured on the drama CDs. But that doesn't do anything to disprove your central point in that regard.

Originally Posted by Flying Dagger View Post
Now that half the anime is aired, I can't help but to feel that the flow of the anime is extremely Kirino-centric and would eventually head towards some sort of a Kirino-based conclusion (and this is not something only 3 episodes - possibly representing the final volume - can change).
I think this isn't actually a difference between the novel and the anime, but the anime's time-crunch focuses more on the more central matters. I think both the novel and the anime will have "Kirino-based conclusions", no matter what the romantic implications/entanglements are. In the end, it's really the story about the two of them, and everyone else is connected from there.
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