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Old 2006-02-06, 19:14   Link #9
Join Date: Jun 2004
Originally Posted by Xellos-_^
it wa spublish in september and whole thing was dying down until several European Newspaper decided to "support" the Danish papers by re-publishing those cartoons.
Wrong, i was reheated and then the other european Newspapers published the cartoon to inform their viewers about the whole thing. Meanwhile thet admitted it wasn't really smart of the Danish but they too thought they had the right to Free Speech.

Personnely, i think that the freedom of Speech in the western world is in fact a right. But there are cultures where such thing doesn't excist and we have no right to push our rights upon them. Only by long term reasoning by both partys. But the Danish publisher already expressed their regrets and were sorry for the whole thing. Mission accomplished? Apperently no, the riots keep occuring and even an Italian Priest has been killed. This sort of violence is not acceptable no matter what the cause (even it's a 1000x more offensive to them as for us). I saw on TV that a teacher was burning the Danish flag together with children of 6-9 years old?? Talk about your role model....
So in short:
Do they have the right to be angry? Yes
Are violence, treats en burning Western builings tolerable? NO!

PS: sorry about the grammatical mistakes if any :S
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