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Old 2013-05-30, 17:02   Link #197
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by sooj View Post
That moment where they fight over the phone and end up in an even more compromising position than that time in season 1, gone.
That moment where kyousuke wakes up his sister- if you've read the novels or even summaries you can't have forgotten about it, apparently replaced by a simple slap if we can trust the preview.

Why dump important wincest moments if not because it's not going to end this way?

I guess I'll just wait and see how it all ends like everyone else anyways, but I still rest my case.
Well, if it were *only* Kirino scenes that were getting dropped, maybe, but I think scenes featuring other heroines were also dropped/altered/shortened/etc. For example, people pointed out that a pretty important (depending on your perspective) Ayase scene was also cut from the most recent episode and only alluded to. I've also heard Kuroneko fans insist that the anime cut way too much from her recent episodes too. So in the end, if you consider how much was cut overall to reduce this 12-volume novel series to 31 TV episodes, I think it probably works out to a wash. (And I don't think we should necessarily use the preview to pre-judge what is cut from the next episode just yet.)
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