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Old 2013-05-31, 07:33   Link #6
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Join Date: Aug 2011
I doubt Touma is actually guilty of having to kill someone to save another even here.
Using lethal force is an option but he's inclined to not take it if other solutions are there such as the fight with Thor.
If no other options are availible, he'll move to save the 1 at the cost of the other as shown in NT7 without much of a second thought.
He did save the Rensas, while they're in a cyro state, he got them the chance to live their lives once technology solves their situation.

Again Touma is a realist and probably knows that the good endings he has always gotten are pretty much just plain good luck on his part (ironic isn't it?)
He knows things will go to shit. If he can't get the good ending so be it, Touma is prepared for that as well. He'll try his damn hardest to get it though.

It isn't so much a contradiction but rather just making the tough choices which Touma is very prepared to do so.
Touma isn't the kind of person to dwell on things so much that they slow him down.
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