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Old 2013-05-31, 15:00   Link #2990
The Faceless One
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Age: 33
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Originally Posted by queenSwild View Post
So does this mean that A-Drei and Liselotte aren't royalty anymore? Like they were, but after the "The Red Thursday" happened their family was overthrown and kicked off to the side. This could be why A-Drei never refers to himself as a prince and his team members only refer to him as such in order to tease him. This could be why he doesn't have much power over military decisions when he should. This could also be why Liselotte seems like a captive instead of a princess in the present day. Maybe L-Elf and A-Drei wanted to revolutionize Dorssia in order to put the royal family back in charge (thus freeing Liselotte), but after attaining the Valvraves and breaking it off with A-Drei, L-Elf made different plans (or he just decided to start the plans he had in mind 5 years sooner ).
I think the Red Thursday is a Monarchist Revolution which put them into power, not vice-versa. Something must have happened to turn the purely republican Eastern Europe into a Monarchy. Furthermore, didn't the guy who gave the Dorssian speech wear the same kind of tiara as Liselotte does in the OP and ED?

L-11 may as well be opposed to how Dorssia treats Princess Liselotte. Royalty being abused by it's subjects isn't really a foreign story concept, especially when the Monarch is young and unable to oppose the regents (I am not saying that Liselotte is Empress now but it is possible).
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