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Old 2013-06-01, 00:44   Link #15
Extra Superior Otaku
Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
No. Like I said long time ago in the old novels thread.

Aleister did meet the previous Imagine Breaker user and maybe ended being defeated by said user. Aleister got his illusions broken, proably nerfed on his power, Necessarius hunted him down and gave up on magic.

In order to have Touma against the walls, you don't need to shake his ideals, he won't care and act as fast as possible.

What you need is use his emotions, open a wound on his heart and then chain him to it. If you use one of the people who he is emotionally attached to, the better. For example it was just a chance but making him fight a wounded and exhausted Tsuchimikado without knowing why was enough to make him cry.

Think like Laura Stuart .
so basically give TouMAN another over powered loli /that's free loader in which he'll go bankrupt , then scavenging for food, clothes and finally he'll live inside a card board box for inner peace and true happiness

i think thats how Laura Stuart troll mind thinks, case and point index

Last edited by kaizerknight01; 2013-06-01 at 00:56.
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