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Old 2013-06-04, 13:01   Link #168
Still Alive
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Somewhere far far away
Age: 31
I think the female side characters are better presented/written than the two main females in Naruto. I have a hard time remembering Temari being useless or for that matter Tenten. Mizukage is also another decent character.

Sakura and Hinata's character is ruined because of their obsession over their respective love interests. Kishi made a colossal mess of their characterization by making them effectively one-word characters - "Sasuke-kun" "Naruto-kun"(its a bit hyperbolic, but true nonetheless). He doesn't know how to write a romantic angle between two characters without showing one of them to be utterly obsessive - take Obito for example. Its like they don't have a life other than worrying, fangirling, fanboying their crushes.
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