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Old 2013-06-04, 21:02   Link #383
Highly irregular
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Dallas, TX
Age: 41
Speculation on the intelligence of the whalesquid:

I don't think its fair to judge their sapiency purely based on whether they use tech, mainly because they don't necessarily need tech.

Necessity is the mother of invention. The Gargantians salvage for tech because they need it. They are at a disadvantage in the current climate: the world is almost completely covered in water. They need the ships and the knowledge to learn how to operate and maintain those ships. They rely on the tech for food, shelter, transportation, etc.

The whalesquid don't need the tech in comparison. They were designed to live under water. They have everything they need down there. They are their own transportation, they already have shelter and the sea life is there food.

Another thing to speculate on is the level of knowledge each civilization had when the ice age happened. Its possible the humans just knew more and were able to pass the knowledge down the generations better than the whalesquid. I'd assume any smart Evolvers left to go into space, taking with them the knowledge to use technology. The ones who were left behind just don't see the use for tech, if they even know what it is or what it does. Id the whalesquid are sapient, they are basically just underwater cavemen
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