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Old 2006-02-07, 21:16   Link #65
Animesuki's Janitor
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Im all in all for religion, but sometimes it can get too out of hand, where they literally abuse it. Im 100% serious, in Saudi Arabia, the beginning of the new Pokemon sensation was too much for them to handle, so they used up any excuse to get rid of them, saying that they were created by Jews and *Bla* blah blah. I'm like "WTF, its from Japan, how in Gods name is that even logical".

There was even a stipulation attacking Coca Cola and PEPSI Co, which I find very pathetic. Apparantly with Coca Cola, with its official font, if you flip the Coca Cola backwards, like aloC acoC. APPARANTLY, it reads in Arabic, which says "La Mohammed, La Mekkah" which translates to "No Mohammed, no Mekkah. Interesting no?. While Pepsi, oh this is interesting, is an anygram for "Pay Every Penny to Save Israel". -_- Need I say more.

Im just saying that there are these cases that makes me sick, cause it shows that people can't think for themselves. I love Islam, I respect, and I follow it to death, but this is just too much.

Hopefully things will calm down later and lightning won't strike twice.

Lina: LOL, that is so how I think of the situation too, with the first cartoon.
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