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Old 2013-06-08, 15:42   Link #8
Join Date: Sep 2010
Originally Posted by ion475 View Post
Come on, we all know GuP is this year's Saki...

Madoka? That's so 2011.
Saki? That's so 2012.

Panzer vor!

Lovelive I see them as similar strength to IM last year. Of course, IM is still around if I'm correct.

There's the Kyoani army also, triple the size. Hyouka, Chuunikoi, and Tamako are somewhere in there. Yes, Tamako would go nowhere (They'll be Nichijou strength), but Chitanda and Rikka can beat anyone all day (Including most of the IM/LL girls)

SAO is there also. Asuna is Biribiri strength if not stronger (Mainly due to possible Biribiri hate for her fake vote performance back in 2011).
LB is also in. Anime is not that popular but Key fan is a strong faction.
Henneko, well, if that Korean stealth marketing "scandal" does not exist I would call Tsukiko the winner before anything happen. But since this is 2ch...Same can be said of Sakurasou, although Sakurasou starts off much weaker anyway.

There are other lower tier shows (Nyaruko, Oregairu, Oreshura, even Yuruyuri) that may surprise but not winning anything.
To be honest I always felt like GaruPan is going to be this year's Saki ever since it started airing . Personally I thought Love Live maybe minus Nozomi and Rin would be slightly stronger than IM@S at the weakest and Hokago Tea Time's peak strength at the strongest, maybe it is because of lack of antis from what I saw for Love Live compared to IM@S on 2ch. Henneko wise oops forgot about that Korean scandal thing. Speaking of scandals won't be surprising Kokoro Connect will end up low or very low tier or only have Inaban/Iori making it. Agreed with Asuna and Rikka but I feel like Chitanda might be weakened but not severely. For YuruYuri minus Akarin I think the Akarin faction might be hellbent on what happened last year. Which won't be surprising at all, maybe same goes for the faction that supported Peace. IM@S is still there, thanks to Shiny Festa.

Originally Posted by TnAdct1 View Post
Here's hoping the voters have learned their lesson after the very disappointing results of the last two tournaments.

As for shows I'm rooting, while I've been out of the loop this past year, I'd still likely support Hidamari Sketch, Busou Shinki (I've been collecting the figures since late 2010/early 2011), and Tamako Market (those DVD/BD bonus shorts with Choi will definitely increase her moe value).

Also, it will be interesting to see if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is eligible for the tournament this year, since in terms of moe, it's hard to beat Fluttershy.
MLP is eligible.

Last edited by Ichuki; 2013-06-08 at 19:07.
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