Thread: Xbox One
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Old 2013-06-10, 23:56   Link #1229
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Xion Valkyrie View Post
MS was dominating most of the big multiplat exclusives with the Xbox Live ecosystem, I don't see that changing with XboxOne, especially since they seem to be even more in bed with EA/Ubisoft/Activision this time around so there's going to be even more 'exclusive' goodies for the XboxOne.
Yeah, being in 'bed' with 3rd parties that will most definitely have 99% of their games on all consoles is such a good thing for Microsoft.

Honestly, unless Microsoft's investment into their 1st party developers pay off very very well, we're already seeing the vestiges of how the games support will turn out.

JRPGs and Japanese-centric developers pretty much boycotted the 360 as the momentum failed to capture the Japanese market.

Many early XBox 'exclusives' eventually went on to join the Playstation ecosystem as well, or at least be ported over to the PC.

PS3 continues to have a strong range of exclusive games that's only exclusive to the console. Sure, they've lost some old-age exclusives along the way, but they've done well to build up a range of strong new IPs over the years.
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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