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Old 2006-02-08, 14:53   Link #74
KAWAIII-III!!!! >^_^ >
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Magical land! (Magica-ru land!)
Originally Posted by Sazelyt
Consider it this way. You know that scorpions are dangerous. Despite the dangers of getting close to them, you go to their nest and try to play with them. However, this play is understood as provocation by them, and they attack you. Now, were you expecting them to not attack you because you were just playing with it and it was just fun for you?
Well, you're comparing the demonstrating muslims to scorpions. The opposing side's point is that acting like scorpions (or animals in general) is not/should not be acceptable in a human society.
Like Archuka said, it was insulting and a negative response is expected (from others than muslims as well), but this reaction is going way too far. The islamic fanatics have drawn the spotlights from the cartoonists and upon themselves.
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