Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (movie & TV)
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Old 2013-06-16, 17:40   Link #2355
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
People are estimating the length of the Battle Carrier at 390 meters long based on the model. The Newer Battleships they say is 392 meters long, but I don't know where that information comes from originally. There is no model of it yet, nor a data page online.

The Battle Carrier has a lot of weaponry. Though some I cannot identify. I don't know it they use off of its different weapons in the show, so I can't guess yet what they are. The Beam weapon turrets are easy to pick out, but missile tubes are trickier since sometimes what might look like a tube is actually for something else. There is a set that could be racks up to 64 tubes.

There of course are the main guns centerline in front and behind the superstructure, plus some secondary guns on the sides of the hanger. Then the hidden guns and tubes below the deck and then some more hidden below the hull. There might be more that wasn't shown on the data page or are just unidentifiable untill they are pointed out or used.

That is one thing about the new show over the old one. The old Roman Albums and other such things had information about weapons and features on the ships, that were never used. Most ships, if they got a chance to fire at all, usually only used one gun type and almost never fired missiles or torpedoes. The Earth fleet had lots of weapons, but only ever really used their upper deck shock cannons. Or maybe their wave motion guns. The enemy fleets had a similar problem of not using many of their weapons.

But in Yamato 2199? Most Gamilas ship types have fired most of their weapons at some point in the show. Though the Gamilas cruisers haven't fired their torpedoes yet in combat. The models say they are under the bow of the ship with four doors for the torpedo tubes.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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