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Old 2013-06-23, 07:17   Link #11
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by Lord of Fire View Post
Original productions are a HUGE risk. Since they're not based on any source, you'd need to make damn sure you believe that it will make any money.
Indeed. Of the examples I gave, one is based on the popular idol group, AKB48, and another is a spinoff from the famous manga and anime series Lupin III. Both Madoka and Gargantia are Urobuchi creations; maybe his name alone is sufficient to attract viewers, especially after the success of the first of those.

Iso Matsuo spent seven years shopping around the story for his masterpiece, Dennou Coil, and has spoken since about the difficulties of creating original works in an industry where adaptations are so much the norm.
Sugii asks about the planning (pitching?) for Dennou Coil, and Iso says he had to do it himself - anime production studios wouldn't take him up on his offer and he was turned away everywhere [until he went to Tokuma]. Animators are not welcome except to do what they're told and since the industry feeds on profits made from making animated adaptations, they don't know how to sell original works. Therefore he had to do it himself.

They don't like it when the original creator goes on to direct the show as well (a director should be working under a production house). Iso can't mention too many details because of certain people in high places... Something about how you can't help certain power positions. [You get what I mean?] (Inoue jokes whether Iso is trying to portray himself as a victim)
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