Thread: Playstation 4
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Old 2013-06-27, 01:20   Link #587
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Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
The Dual shock 3 controller did had some features I didn't like. The controller sometimes get a bit slippy when your hands are sweating a bit, I face my death several times in Call of Duty and Battlefield because of that. I never put down my controller when playing so I haven't encounter the problems that most face with the triggers. Though I feel that the triggers are fragile, 3 months in you can feel the wear and tore on the trigger. It not longer gives resistance. The analog sticks in particular requires precision fingers, if not, you'll often find yourself aiming and moving the way you do not want.

The PS4 controller looks really good and seems to fix most of the problems. Though I wish they made the controller off the same material of the PS3 slim, that material does not catch dust that much but I find that it is comfortable to touch and even when my hands were sweating, it feels good to touch still.

Yes the material the DS3 really gets on my nerve I love my controller but, why the hell does it have to feel like I dropped it in oil? seriously my hands aren't that greasy but somehow my controller gets so sticky that if I throw it at my wall it might get stuck in it. Really hope the DS4's made from better materials.

Originally Posted by Shinova View Post
Only shooter type games I've played on my ps3 are the dead space series and killzone 3, and for those the aiming and shooting buttons are on the bumpers, not the triggers. So I'm nowhere close to wearing down my triggers yet.

However, I hear killzone shadow fall is moving those functions from the bumpers to the triggers, and I imagine future shooter games on the ps4 will follow suite.

I love the Killzone control scheme, for me personally it's the easiest and best one out of any FPS, even above COD's.
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