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Old 2013-07-26, 01:55   Link #665
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
keke, I kinda loved Rori's plan of revenge for being rude. The dark elf is going to be soo begging on her knees when she realizes what shes done. Tho I understand her clan on the verge of extinction isnt really a laughing matter. I thought she might of shat her pants when the jet flew over her head.

I always had a feeling the dragon might come back. I mean they only fended it off from the convoy, they didnt slay it. I <3 dragons, but when theres one out killing people (not invading its territory) and reaping total destruction. Slaying it is a logical cause of action. I did want to see a round 2, modern vs dragon. But who knows, they might reject her proposal until they gather more intel on the situation and land?. Surely they wont run in blindly?

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