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Old 2013-07-27, 05:31   Link #16
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Originally Posted by Witch of Uncertainty View Post
Nice episode.
Hoping for some action soon, though.
In a nutshell, this sums up my own take on the episode.

It was good to spend an episode on Adult!Jun and Shinku becoming acquainted with each other. It's interesting to note the differences (and similarities) between their relationship and the one between Teenage!Jun and Shinku.

And Jun's relationship with Saitou is developing at a nice, steady pace. Many already suspected Saitou of having something to do with Rozen Maiden dolls, and her picking up fabric in this episode seems to lean towards that. OTOH, this episode also makes it known that Rozen Maidens aren't supposed to exist in Adult!Jun's world, so that throws a bit of doubt on such suspicions.

I do like what a big difference "Wind" vs. "Do Not Wind" makes. That adds a real sense of gravitas and intrigue to the whole thing. Kind of like Alice choosing whether or not to go down the rabbit hole, or someone choosing to take the blue pill or the red pill in the Matrix movies.

All of the above being said, I do miss seeing the other Rozen Maidens and Rozen Maiden battles. So I also hope we won't have to wait too much longer for some of that at least.

One other thing - I have to really wonder why they bothered doing the first episode the way they did. Given the careful, meticulous plot development since then, it's not like viewers would have been lost without it. This episode just flatout tells us the most plot relevant aspects of that first episode (i.e. that two of the Rozen Maidens have already been wiped out). Heck, I think a complete newcomer to the Rozen Maiden world would not feel lost jumping in right at Episode 2 and watching on from there. They obviously wouldn't have all the knowledge of a more seasoned viewer and/or manga reader, but there's nothing this show brings to the fore without having it explained/presented well.
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