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Old 2006-02-14, 00:30   Link #248
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Tejas
Age: 48
Originally Posted by Radiosity
Aisia is really getting on my nerves... basically in the last few episodes mainly. Initially I liked her a lot, but the whole 'I want everyone to be happy!' thing is getting annoying now. How naive can that girl be? Every time she questions 'Why?' to herself, and then asserts that 'everyone should be happy with no sad thoughts' I cringe and have to resist the urge to scream at her.
Up to this point I've enjoyed the series, and it was great when Sakura came back (I was like 'yay!', unlike when Nemu returned, when I was like 'Ohnoes!!11' lol), but damn Aisia is really getting me quite frustrated. She seems completely unable to grasp even the most fundamental points of human relationships, and while there are indeed some incredibly naive people in the world, Aisia seriously takes the cake for not just being naive, but also not learning, both from her own experiences and from things other people try to teach her (Sakura being a fine example).
Well, other than Aisia in the last few eps, it's still enjoyable Needs more Yoriko though...
Well, Aisia doesn't exactly seem to have much experience with relationships. Also, about half the time when she's saying, "Everyone should be happy", what she really means is "I want to be happy with Junichi". The real reason this is such a sticking point for her is that she likes him too, and hasn't had the time everyone else has had to grow accustomed to the fact that he likes Nemu. As far as she's concerned, everything's great when she (Aisia) shows up, and then Nemu appears out of the blue to take all of Junichi's attention away. It's not that she doesn't want everyone to be happy, but that she wants everyone (including herself) to be happy. She's incapable of dealing with the fact that the one thing that's out there isn't hers.
Though she is cute, especially when she's pouting. Actually I just noticed that Nemu and Sakura are too, maybe it's because of the little bulge they put on their cheeks whenever they do it.
And not only does it need more Yoriko, but more MOE.
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