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Old 2013-07-30, 18:33   Link #16
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Join Date: Oct 2007
So, here's a question. I've been talking to the Chinese owner/bartender of a restaurant I frequent and she mentioned that she's happy to be having her baby in the US because Chinese traditions in this regard are very harsh. Said something along the lines of not being allowed to wash her hair for a month afterward among other things I have unfortunately forgotten. I'm curious to know more but would rather not bring it back up with her in case it's a sensitive subject, so if anyone knows anything about this, can you elaborate?

Originally Posted by Xion Valkyrie View Post
One thing that China does well that I hope the US picks up on is giving out cash as gifts. Seriously, there's nothing worse than getting a gift that you can't quite use, or already have one of. Now you have to go through the hassle of returning the gift or letting it rot in some storage. Worst is, if your friend comes over and asks you where you put it, you'd have to make up some excuse or just tell him that his gift sucked.
I'm in the US and myself and everyone I know have gotten and given cash as gifts our whole lives. I think this just varies from person to person whether they think cash is a "thoughtless" gift or not.
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