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Old 2013-08-14, 01:58   Link #271
~ I Do ~
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
It's also worth considering that not everyone has the same criteria for enjoyability. If he's "raking in the money", it suggests that his story is enjoyable to a lot of fans. I don't see how that makes the businesses that publish said works "cowardly". There could be an element of jealousy, but it also seems to me that there's an element of arrogance in calling the work "terrible" just because it wasn't developed in the way you wanted it to be. Then again, I've heard it said that all creators are inherently arrogant, because they believe they have something worth saying. So I guess if it motivates fanfiction writers to think they can do better, they might as well try. But, in the end, it's probably also important to seriously study what it is that makes the work enjoyable to others as it is, and without such a heavy dose of cynicism and disgust. Otherwise, you may write a work to satisfy yourself, but it stands little chance of satisfying others except those who feel exactly the same way you do (which, despite the apparent consensus about the writing being "terrible" isn't actually as obvious as it seems). People also often downplay certain tropes as if they're easy and obvious, but don't really have a solid enough understanding of them or the appeal of them to actually be able to pull it off even if they think they're fixing the rest of the "flaws".
Its a mystery that always intrigued me. Who were buying up the IS stuff? I recall this pic from 2chan showing the popularity of the series as the series progressed, and the only high point was when Charlotte appeared, and the way her arc was handled.

But the BD sales blew several other series out of the water!

I wonder if anyone's written an opinion piece or gone to Japan to work out the phenomenon of IS' unexplained popularity. It would be really interesting to see who were buying up the BDs, what were their traits, preferences, etc. It would have been a great way to base speculatation as to where is the industry headed next.
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