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Old 2013-08-16, 00:58   Link #8775
Rising Dragon
Goat Herder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Old_Iron View Post
Dare I ask why they don't? I'm not exactly familiar with how the HDNR claims to function.
Because the laws of thermodynamics reads as thus: Fuck you, because fuck you.

The HDNR works by taking deuterion pairs from the nuclear reactor and recycling them back into the reactor. Entropy means you're getting less energy as it goes on. You lose energy converting it into deuterion, and lose yet more feeding it back. You'd only be able to avert it the second time around if you're using... what, antimatter, I think?

Overall it's a terrible, terrible idea. Because thermodynamics ruins everything.

Originally Posted by monster View Post
At the other end of the spectrum, some people refuse to accept that a relationship was no longer romantic in nature and was meant to end.
Yet we can never know, because Kira/Lacus frigidness in bed is apparently better than actual development (and don't say off-screen shit counts as development again, because seriously, if you don't see it happen in a story it's not actually development). We'll never know because Morosawa decided it was a good idea to work up to a reconciliation and then drop the axe on it at the last possible fucking second.
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