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Old 2013-08-16, 01:13   Link #8778
Rising Dragon
Goat Herder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou View Post
It really does. Even more than that, though, the second law of thermodynamics, the most unfair and dick scientific law ever (seriously, not even relativity is as bad as this jerkass), says every time you going to do the conversion, you're creating heat. Heat as in the reactor and components in the core of the suit are getting hotter. Heat that the suit has no way to get rid of.

Plus, on a more practical level, if the reactor has enough leftover energy to power its own conversion process (which takes an absolutely ridiculous amount of power to begin with), then that reactor is putting out way too much energy. Far more than it ever should, because you're just wasting fuel and unnecessarily overloading your energy grid.
So the Destiny could've actually gotten an excuse to use the same heat mirage mechanic of the F-91 without resorting to cloak-particles? Wow. Technological fumble there as well.

All things considered the Destiny seems to be less like it was made specifically for Shinn and more like a testbed for technologies that made the whole machine rather impractical.

Originally Posted by monster View Post
It may not be my choice of ending, but it was still a good (tragic, but good) ending for them.

And Lacus or not, it still doesn't change the fact that their relationship was never meant to last (at least, romantically). Even that supposed alternative ending had one or both of them dying, I believe.
Good hell, she got shafted out of an actual ending, and her own ending was retconned into uselessness because god forbid we alienate the Kira/Lacus fanboys over in Japan, so she got shafted twice over retroactively. Bah.
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