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Old 2013-08-16, 21:44   Link #65
Random Wanderer
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Well, they definitely drew out the first part of the episode. Presumably that was to heighten the emotional impact (although the entire point in the manga was about how much of a shock it was), but still, they made something that took a few seconds originally last several minutes of showtime and an unknown (given the cutaway) but apparently quite lengthy period of in-universe time.

The good news is that the second half of the episode makes none of that matter. Because it was freaking awesome. And yes, this is what you pull out Emiya for. Aside from the obvious connection with using the Archer card, it is also just the perfect background music for when the protagonist pulls something seriously badass like this.

And speaking of music, I feel I should ask here, where there's enough folks who may have an answer. That piece of music that played when Miyu was carrying Illya home, does anyone know what it is? It is giving me a distinct feeling of nostalgia that says "this is a piece of Fate history" but I can't seem to locate the specific piece of music. Am I imagining things? It really feels familiar.
<img src= border=0 alt= />
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