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Old 2013-08-22, 08:25   Link #32859
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Wanderer View Post
Natsuhi's gun wasn't even loaded, and Beatrice, fully aware, was quite amused by this.

Source: Episode 8 manga.
It was loaded, but with blanks or something. Enough to produce smoke but incapable of firing a projectile. She points out Natsuhi couldn't tell the difference, so that suggests the bullets may have been messed with and Natsuhi just doesn't know enough about guns to realize it.

As far as I know nothing says Natsuhi could never have fired, only that the bullet that killed her wasn't from her own gun. Basically she and Beatrice just had to fire at the same time (to create a single sound), but Beatrice was in no danger because Natsuhi didn't have real bullets.

This also explains pretty much that entire ending bit, obviously, and also allows Natsuhi to not be an accomplice (if the gun wasn't loaded she'd probably notice that).
Originally Posted by Wanderer View Post
Actually, when they come across George's body, Shannon's body is completely absent from the scene's description. I've found this quite odd, considering that George's body is supposed to be, like, right next to or on top of hers.
The problem with the theory for me is more the First Twilight. If such a thing were planned out, Nanjo would have a role to play as an accomplice. Remember, the epitaph isn't solved until the plan is put into motion, so something was planned to go on until Eva solved the epitaph. Once she did so, Beatrice would keep her word and stop killing... but Nanjo should still know that she was faking her death in the FT and had originally planned to kill people. The fact that she's stopped doesn't make her any less alive and shouldn't make Nanjo any less aware of that.

If Nanjo is aware that Beatrice is alive, he takes a big risk murdering anyone because he has no idea where Beatrice is and how much she's seen. Now his thought process could certainly be "she can't show herself because she's supposed to be dead, so if I'm careful I can kill everybody and she won't be able to prove it's me." But that still makes dragging Krauss and Natsuhi outside or killing Rosa and Maria outside a bad plan. Killing people inside, where others are, would prevent Beatrice from just stumbling upon the corpses and realizing someone is continuing the murders, and at some point he'd narrow down the suspect pool enough that she'd be on to him.

She's unaccounted-for and unaccountable. She could pop up at literally any time, probably armed with a weapon (as she knows where they are), and shut him down exactly the way she apparently does in ep3. Why didn't Nanjo consider this? Or if he did, why was he so sure he'd get away with it? Sure, if he believed she was dead maybe, but that means he didn't check... and he's the doctor. I mean granted he's a terrible doctor, but even so.
Redaction of the Golden Witch
I submit that a murder was committed in 1996.
This murder was a "copycat" crime inspired by our tales of 1986.
This story is a redacted confession.

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