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Old 2013-08-24, 05:33   Link #7128
Anime Snark
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 41
That reminds me of the time I upgraded my phone to the Samsung Galaxy Ace (the first one, and still using now). My previous phone was a basic Nokia phone with no mp3 player, a LCD screen (no colour), no touchpad, etc... I only went to upgrade because I received a $50 android voucher from my phone service provider, so I thought it might be a good time as any.

My Nokia was apparently soooo outdated, the poor sales assistant couldn't find it in the drop-down menu and had to call a technician over the phone to manually insert it into the database. Also, because I hadn't done any upgrades at all since the dawn of my subscription, I accumulated so much loyalty points that I got the Android phone for free, without using the voucher...

The whole story was pretty hilarious. Cheers.
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