Thread: Nintendo 3DS
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Old 2013-08-28, 11:56   Link #1271
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
The fun fact is that due to the new layout of the ABYX buttons, playing Monster Hunter 3G with the virtual pad will be beyond silly. And of course, I can't see how they will make a CPP for the 2DS without bloating it even more.

Really, that's the worst PR move Nintendo has ever done in the recent years. I mean, while releasing a 3DS-less 3DS is good for those who have a limited budget, it is just a glaring implication Nintendo admit themselves that 3D is beyond a gimmick.
I personally rarely use it, so I already considered it as a gimmick. But if the manufacter themselves admit such kind of idiocy, it is really ruining their own image like hell.
Just imaging the day Nintendo announce they will release the WiiU without its gamepad... that's simply the same: making one of the "exclusive features" of the console null and void.

And suffice to say, the fact it is a flat console is the worst offending point: it is unpractical and will lead to various issues for its portability. Heck, forget about soft/bag pouch, you are forced to use a hard one otherwise screens are unlikely to stay unscathed.

Frankly, they should have released a "upgraded DS" console. That would have been less of an issue, marketing wise. And having a dual screen handheld console with hinges is the signature design of the DS line up. But this? I frankly thought it was already April 1st...
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