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Old 2013-09-12, 08:40   Link #357
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
The recent Flashpoint film was pretty damn good. One of the few non-Batman/Superman films released by DC Animation, Flashpoint expertly covers its source material while provide a fun hour plus of entertainment.

In other news, the recent crop of Marvel animations have failed quite spectacularly. Avengers Assemble has some awful animation, poor writing, and generally bad pacing, but there is some semi-decent voice acting and the stories themselves are not bad. Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., though, is a complete failure on nearly every level. Bad writing, bad directing, pretty damn bad voice acting, horrendous animation, etc. To go from the great Earth's Mightiest Heroes to this dreck in under a year is almost mind-boggling.
How the hell can they justify this switch... Doesn't look like they're saving any money and everything is just flat out worse. If we want some anecdotal input from the kid population, my little brother is 10 and he loved Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Quite obviously, teenage and adult fans will prefer Earth's Mightiest Heroes... SO WHY DO THIS???

For the DC side of things, I liked Flashpoint too and Beware the Batman has been pretty cool. Kind of slow and the animation is weird, but still fun.
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