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Old 2013-09-16, 23:31   Link #1056
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
On the last ep. they mention about 'Janie'

Looking at how STUDY keep collecting the data from Lv5 Esper through the combat.

If this 'Janie' turn out to be an artifactual cute girl/woman with the capability to replicate the powers of esper with science/technology or she may be built with the capability to counter many esper abilities in combat. She will save this arc as a good final boss.

If their project succeed and AC like it, AC may hire them to develop a weapon with those capability. I think this might be their goal. What I'm saying is: 'Janie' maybe the initial/imperfect attempt to do something like this and it will somehow gives AC the idea for FIVE_Over project, particularly, Rensa later.

This will also a nice way to connect original arc with novel content.
That would certainly be cool and is a plausible explanation. Given that Misaki's appearance was a shout-out to NT 7 (I think rather than for the railgun manga readers) and given that Rensa is also in NT 7 it would make some sense (though not really because it's in the latter part of the season).

What interests me so much about Railgun is that the anime is finally introducing the darkness. In reality I am somewhat still excited about it. I was somewhat dissatisfied with part of what I saw this arc mainly because I was expecting it first in Index III, and I was expecting a better reveal of it there. I mean the railgun series toned down the darkness quite a bit so far... so I'm now just worried about what this means for Index III, but I'm hoping that it will be nowhere near as lame (in comparison clearly).

And... friendship Doesn't friendship work only when you are still alive because it comes from the thoughts in your head?

When did Raildex become a shonen series (If you say it is one... I don't really think it is one... it has way too many other aspects to it that make it at least somewhat different IMO)...
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