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Old 2013-09-20, 08:41   Link #5
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
Fantastic episode, fantastic series. Never would have thought Rozen Maiden could produce such an incredible series as this. Really might have to check out the source material now.

Even though the episode had a tone of bittersweet hopefulness, I couldn't help but feel sad throughout it. I think all of us have some moment where we chose not to wind in our lives. Thinking about what could have been, what we could have done differently is generally a waste of time. The past is the past, but nonetheless it's hard to not think "what if..." sometimes, or at least experience feelings of regret for whatever reason.

In unwound Jun's case, his "mistake" is made far more apparent than any of ours because he sees the actual alternative path he could have taken.

Despite how apparent his mistake now is, he has learned to hope. By seeing that the decision to wind could have changed his life so drastically, he is now aware that little decisions really can change your life, such as the decision to put himself out there, make friends, take chances, and stop dwelling on the negative. Seeing his greatest mistake, though it brings him to tears in this episode, has given him the cognizance that he can control his destiny through the choices he makes.

It's a really powerful message for everyone and I am so pleasantly surprised that it was delivered from this series, which, on the surface, just seems to be a very strange premise with dolls battling each other and whatnot. I liked the old series, but this one just sets a whole new standard.
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