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Old 2013-10-13, 11:41   Link #33
Professional Hikkikomori
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by Raymondjram View Post
Although she became a "god", she isn't powerful. All her "powers" and weapons are used at close range, so she cannot kill at a distance. I also believe that she cannot leave the Shrine because of her limited power. I see in her an image of a classical "being" that may be immortal, and has no need to eat or sleep (no human limitations). But being isolated from other humans will eventually kill her with boredom unless she has followers that will worship her, or has a few battles to kill some "puny humans" with her stabs, or finally get killed by Koyomi and his allies.

I like that Shinobu is a teen again (as in the last chapter of Nisemonogatari) and I am guessing that she will eventually return to being Kiss-Shot in the far future.

BTW, has anyone noticed in all the episodes that there is no "fan service" for Nadeko, while we saw plenty of Tsubasa and Hitagi in their underwear in the Nekomonogatari stories? Even in some scenes, where her skirt does fly up, or when she sat down, the clothes keep her covered, even against the law of gravity (not counting Shinobu who isn't affected by such laws but does protect herself).
I honestly doubt that she is stuck at the shrine. The fact that she was able to critically damage Shinobu and Araragi at his house shows that her powers aren't area limited.

As for her range I believe that she not only has command over the snakes on her hair but snakes in the general area as well. Meaning she should be able to command her snakes to kill at a distance. (This is my guess though.)

As for the fanservice I believe her wearing her skanky PJs in episode 2 is the fanservice.
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