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Old 2006-03-01, 12:57   Link #46
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Originally Posted by DaFool
What is to me a big deal? Kate Winslett exposing her breasts for millions of viewers around the world in a PG-13 movie (Titanic). Or Anne Hathaway's sudden debut from G-rated chic flicks to an R-18 movie about gays (Brokeback Mountain). Contrast that with lending your moans to a couple of cartoon characters. Sheesh.
The fans don't care - the people that get irked are the sponsors. And the main reason is:

Let's say a seiyuu goes to an audition and get the role for a very popular children's show that runs on NHK (the nationally owned TV station).

A few days later, TV execs find out that the seiyuu did a role in an ero-game without covering up her name. She immediately loses her job that she acquired.

Why? Same as any other country with bitching parents and teachers associations that cry afoul "oh, think of the children! how can you be so obtuse to let such person doing a kid's show! won't please someone think of the children!?"

So the use of "dark side" is meant to be "dark side" that must be hidden under the rug by use of pseudonyms in order to protect themselves should they become famous.

Hence, Miyamura Yuko, the seiyuu for Asuka in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" gained immense popularity when that anime became a hit. However, when a tabloid exposed that she appeared in a porno several years before (the days when she wasn't famous and needed cash to make a living), the gossip press daunted her days after days "how can you not be ashamed of yourself for voicing a kid's show (remember - anime is still viewed as for kids, and tabloids could care less either) when you appeared in a porno?" etc etc. This continued to taunt Miyamu for several months in which she couldn't get any job because of this. Needless to say, she rose up as it became "old news."

Fans of Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton could care less of their sexcapades (rather, many are interested), so do fans of seiyuus. It's the usual people that brings them down with notions of the "dark side." It's the tabloids and the press. It's those bitching parents, teachers and liberal activists. It's the sponsors and talent agencies who instantly distance themselves when such "facts" are broken to the press.

Hence, if seiyuus need the money, they'd better be sure to use pseudonyms when they take voice acting roles for ero-games and ero-anime.

Few examples:
Mizuhashi Kaori = Uehara Tomomi
Itou Shizuka = Misaki Rina
Nabatame Hitomi = Tezuka Maki
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