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Old 2013-10-27, 19:11   Link #143
Warm Mist
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
I don't even know what Kuroshitsuji is.

The original, technical usage of 'cartoon' (in modern times) was never related to animation. It referred to the comic strips found on newspapers and such, and was associated with exaggerated, humorous drawings often highlighting a social issue of the moment. The term shifts to animation because of the undeniable influence this artstyle had in early attempts at it (think Felix the Cat and the first B&W Disney shorts). Nowadays the connotation of the word is still related to this approach to design and slapstick, separating it from other animation. This is why you say that an expression or design is 'cartoony' as opposed to realistic.

You are trying to appeal to a technicality that doesn't exist. Language evolves and you should adapt to it if you want to communicate properly; if this didn't happen, the term 'cartoon' wouldn't be associated with animation at all, because it wasn't conceived for it in the first place.
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