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Old 2006-03-03, 21:52   Link #68
spirits having flown
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Age: 43
Chill out kj1980! You know you've helped me more than enough. I'm sorry if I somewhat annoyed you with some of my posts. Now that I've known more than enough, I'll just shut up and not ask further questions. . Thank you.

Oh sure. Talent agencies have all the time in the world to satisfy one fan out of a tens and thousands of otakus. If you haven't noticed, I'm being sarcastic. Can you go to a talent agency in your country and get an autograph signed by a star tied to that company? Most likely, they'll call security to shove you out into the street as a potential stalker. Oh wait, there's also a thing called a restraining order. Then you'll be blacklisted from all events that are tied to that seiyuu.
Don't worry, I will not even resort to such a thing.
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