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Old 2013-11-22, 16:43   Link #8009
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by nosaer View Post
to call an illustration taken out of context worthless is a bit much don't you think. It was originally created to show what meteor line might look like since someone in jcafe was confused by the description. in that context it achieved its goal. whether its a laser or not is pretty silly. a laser is basically an amplified light. a lot of the things lasers can do is a byproduct of being an amplified light. just like a light bulbs main purpose is to produce light, and a side effect of it is creating heat. Also if Maya didn't create some type of "stage" as you like to say, then why would the world turn to night? creating night is the first thing that happens when she uses her magic. you can debate about the reasons all you want, but it is a fact that night is created.
It turns dark because of the distribution of light. Its not a "stage" or barrier. When she converges all the light into the lines, the area turns dark as a side effect. Remember how Tatsuya said the best magic is about scamming the laws of physics? This is a good example.

Meteor Line is also not amplified light. The amount of light is irrelevant, as the damage comes from the rewriting of the eidos done when "light becomes a line." The actual light has no destructive ability.
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