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Old 2013-11-28, 11:38   Link #1053
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Age: 37
Originally Posted by woxx View Post
So Gen, Shinbo and whole magical quartet are poor hugry guys who was forced to work for free. That's interesting. And how about voice acting? Chiwa Saito made Homura's voice like she was out of her mind.
*Sigh* you are turning that argument to an extreme it isn't even funny. When it comes to budget, a -higher- one doesn't magically turn scripting and directing to a better category, the very reason is because directing and scripting are -not- dependant of money but the actual talent of the persons in charge of that (unless you are really telling me that writing and directing are directly propotional to a series budget which is wrong to so many levels).
From a sequel perspective, hiring the same staff is a damn given, which means that the fact they had lower budget wouldn't change the fact that they would be hired for this, being the core members of the project.

Voice acting quality is NOT dependant of money either. It depends of the actual sound director who asks the seiyuu a certain voice acting depending of the needs of the said anime.
To begin with, Seiyuu are not really paid with an exceptional salary, to the contrary. And while movies obviously lead to a better salary for them, again, the increase of budget allocated to a given movie will -not- have an impact to the seiyuu performances.

That's the very reason why I brought Shin Sekai Yori as a counter example: the series is plagued by a very low budget, but the writing, directing and seiyuu performances are of the caliber of a good budget series, exactly because these factors are -not- dependant of the budget.

And just in case: I never stated they were working for free whatsoever, and again, you have to engage into a contract with them, so money is obviously involved in these aspects of the movie. However, the main point isn't the fact they are paid or not, but the fact their salary wouldn't move a hunch if the budget in its general sense was bigger or not. As in, the budget in the making of an anime series is basically what they can afford in animators and so forth. That's also the very reason why low budget series has a drastic dive of sakuga and animation, but hardly anything related to seiyuu and so forth.
I thought marketing is very important because movie is shown all over the world unlike most of other anime movies. I'm wrong again
Spare me your irony and read again what I stated: it is an obvious part of the money spent on a movie. However, that's arguably not an important matter to the audience who enjoyed or not the given movie. It is important for the producers since it is the best way to appeal as many potential viewers as possible. But past that, marketing does not have any impact to the quality of a movie, exactly because it doesn't affect its making, but only the number of attendances.

Really instead of ridiculing the points at hand, at least give it a thought or two.

Last edited by Klashikari; 2013-11-28 at 11:56.
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