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Old 2013-11-30, 19:58   Link #13
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Age: 35
Really good episode. The episode nearly brought me to tears, just like the VN did at this part. Even though they changed a few things, I have to say that I like this version just as much. The scene where Rin 'remembers' the cheers the other Little Busters gave her in episode 26 of season 1 was especially strong.

Episodes 7-9 made me realize just how much Riki has really grown throughout the story. These episodes show that two of Riki's strong points are his determination and persistence. He won't give up when it comes to his friends. We already saw this during the routes of the girls, but in Refrain this is made even more clear. To think this is the same boy as the one at the start of the story. He started out as a boy who needed to be protected/helped by Kyousuke all the time, but he's the one helping his important people now.

Lastly, I have to say that I love how the anime handles Rin during Refrain. I already liked her in the VN, but the anime makes me love her even more. Especially her emotions are handled much better than the VN counterpart. I know that Rin isn't the kind of person to express her feelings much, but the VN made her seem like a robot at times. The anime is doing a much better job at this department. A good example is the scene were Rin high fives Riki and punches Masato's glove after Riki got his home run. She looks really happy there.
Because of this Riki's and Rin's bond feels much stronger as well. You can really feel that they want to be with each other and help each other. The scene where Rin looks at the worn out Riki walking past Kengo and then decides to pitch in his stead was really strong. Then during the match she wants to do her best, because Riki did his best as well. In the end she manages to defeat Kengo, mostly because Riki kept cheering her on.

Originally Posted by Leo_Otaku View Post
Really fantastic episode it actually had be crying! I loved what they did, even if Lawrance was left out!
Leaving the Lawrence scene out is the only reason why I couldn't give this episode a 10/10.
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