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Old 2013-12-06, 03:11   Link #2405
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2013
So... um... I hope this isn't considering necro-ing.

Originally Posted by Sunder the Gold View Post
Can anyone provide a full translation of Yuuno's aria for Arrester Chain?
Googling アレスターチェーン got me this (from what looks like a fanfic, so not sure if accurate. It sounds about right, though.):

広がれ、戒めの鎖っ! 捕らえて固めろ、封鎖の檻っ! アレスターチェーン!(“Hiroga re, imashime no kusari! Toraete katamero, fuusa no ori! Aresutaa Cheen!”)

I got "Spread out, chains of warning! Catch and bind/restrain, cage that blockades/arrests! Arrestor Chain!". But that's mostly Google Translate + Kanji Recognizer + some basic Japanese grammar lessons, so I'm not too confident

So um, can someone help me with Stern's Luciferion Breaker aria? From the same fic, I got 疾れ明星! 全てを焼き消す焔と変われっ! 真・ルシフェリオンブレイカー!but I'm having trouble with how 疾れ is pronounced. Google Translate and Kanji Recognizer both say 疾 is "Haya", but in the video I watched 疾れ明星!sounded more like "Hashire akaboshi!"

Plus I have no idea what 疾れ is. Google Translate says 疾 is diseased, but Kanji Recognizer says it means rapidly. So right now I only have "[something] morning star! Turn into the flame that burns and destroys all! True Luciferion Breaker!"

And er, newbie here. Hi? *waves timidly*
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