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Old 2013-12-06, 17:51   Link #2030
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Destined_Fate View Post
Well, Akira betrayed Shoko too by keeping her out of the loop. If anyone should be hurt more out of the pair it's Shoko as Akira was her closest friend, after Haruto and Marie, and she risked everything in the past for Akira due to their friendship.

It killed her though. So the plan doesn't seem to be all that safe.
The Valvrave run off the runes of people. If Runes get too low it steal their memories first and when the memories are gone it steals their life. Marie was the test pilot and became broken and lost all her memories. She didn't have enough time to recover her runes so it drained her very quickly and then stole her life force instead. It's the same thing that will happen to Haruto if this keeps up. He just lost a memory by piloting this episode but he has a limiter still so it is much slower than Marie whose limiter was broken.
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