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Old 2013-12-11, 12:43   Link #595
Lulu Vie Britania
Genderless telepath
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Norway
Originally Posted by Ilidsor View Post
What do you mean by "chasing after"?
Hm, we all know that Accel had been 'chasing' after Touma till he stopped. Aiwass said it itself in front of Aleister. I still don't know what exactly his 'chasing' means but it seems that he saw Touma as his ideal and wanted to be as heroic as Touma (cause he wanted to be a better person, so he took the heroism like a quality of a good person). This is what I think it was. After their fight, Accel became a person who just does what he wants to do therefor helps others because he wants to. So, we can say that he stopped that 'chasing' after his fight with Touma. But my friend states that he stopped his chasing only in the 6th NT, here is his proof:
And he would stand in the way of anyone trying to disturb them like a grave keeper before grave robbers. Because he reeked too greatly of death, he could not claim that humans were fundamentally good, but he would still work to protect the things he wished to protect.
He was finished chasing after a certain someone and focusing too much on that someone.
He would take a different path.
Even if he could not do what that someone did, he could do things that someone could not.
He would become what only he could be.
(chap.7, part 9)
Maybe we just messed up with two kinds of chasing or something like that, but it seemed to me Accel became himself after his second fight with Touma.
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