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Old 2013-12-25, 09:19   Link #7
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Seems to have been Rebecca.

Apparently it was someone with tremendous speed.
Toy Soldier commented Rebecca was too slow as Kid.
Prisoners were shocked Luffy beat her in speed.
Phantom Princess.
Hell, she even is the daughter of who is implied to have been Kyros who was only hit once.Makes sense if we think of amazing speed.

And Toy Soldier went on how Rebecca must "Stand Up" in the flashback, final panel of this chapter someone is standing up.

As for why Rebecca is down as well.
Toy Soldier, Rebeccas mentor went on how he is ready to give his life.

Besides,Someone in Block D took out everyone with amazing speed while at the same time, Lightning Soldier took out everyone with tremendous speed.
I'm guessing Oda may have intended that what happened in Block D being shown by what Toy Soldier does to Doflamingos man.
Toy Soldier even uses the same fighting stance as Rebecca while fighting them.

And is that fire I see?
Remember the Audience going on about setting Rebecca on Fire?Mummy seems to have been burned.
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