Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2013-12-28, 13:07   Link #24782
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Noctis Labyrinthus
Age: 33
Originally Posted by zibi88 View Post
well if the harem disolves here then there is just no place or hope for season3 as kurumu, mizore, rubi have their own huge fans.... and lots of stuff sells with them and not just moka so disolving harem here means end of rosario series for good

I would rather keep the harem antics currently more to happen then before... becouse they need to keep an eye on tsukunes transformation... if he gets out of control again then they will be the ones to save him like they did currently... moka alone wont be able to do that so here comes the other girls (with different talents)

I just hate this year ending... becouse I learn that next issues will be the mangas end.... first sora no otoshimono... and now rosario....

too many space left to end rosario like like 2chapters of alucard war (eggs along)... 1-2chapters after that fight... and 1final chapter graduation and what happened to all chars (show little of their life and how their kids look like ect)

but ending just with 1chapter is just insane.... it cant be that the series got Axed (like mx0) as it made really good...
Something's not right, for Ikeda to end the series to like that, something is "off" about this.
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