Thread: Licensed Buddy Complex
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Old 2014-01-02, 22:38   Link #124
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Chicago
Well, after taking a bit of a break between seasons, I've started up again with the new Winter Season and Buddy Complex.

Sigh...what to say...

First, I guess the good's in order. The characters aren't "bad" persay, and the music is okay. The time travel idea is interesting and one I haven't seen lately, and I like the wormholes...

Yeah, that's about it.

Now for the bad. Wow, were these characters bland! Not one bit of interesting characteristics, boring as a plank of wood, and that could be no more obvious than in our lead for this venture, Aoba Watase. This is the most bland mecha MC I've seen in a long time, and I can already tell I'm going to have to hopefully find more interest in other characters. The mecha themselves are horribly simplistic and bland as well, showing no originality at all and are blocky and kid-like the look like they came out of the wrong anime.

And talk about no originality, that OP and ED was so generic. I literally laughed out loud at the astounding lack of effort put into it. I even showed it to my little brother, who also laughed at it. We couldn't believe how much they wanted to simply take SEED/Destiny's OPs and just paint over it. We even compared the two finding this show's version of Kira, Athrun, Cagalli, Yzak, Murue, Mu, Badgirul and other characters that looked like carbon copies. Wow, Sunrise, you really decided to be lazy these day, hmm.

This whole thing is generic and I don't know if it's from coming off the twists and turns and adrenaline rush that was Valvrave and then coming to this, but I was not impressed in the least. I spent a lot of the time waiting for something to happen, for Aoba to stop being a boring, generic, bland MC, but alas, it wasn't to be.

I'll keep watching for a while, simply since this is a mecha series and I usually give them a chance. Plus the time travel angle is interesting, so there is at least a hope that other characters and plot will be worth it to keep watching. However, as of right now, "Buddy Complex" with it's ridiculous name, is one of the most utterly bland mecha shows I've seen in a while.
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