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Old 2014-01-04, 18:28   Link #122
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Sweden
Age: 39
Some of you think that Elder Tales is a:

1: Paralell world

2: A Game

Well, I believe it is both.

Sometime ago, in Shiroe's real world, when the programers of Elder Tale first started their world they created an actual universe. Much like our big bang, it all sprang into existance in the tiniest fraction of time, out of nothing. The programmers updated and patched the world in its alpha stages, and those things affected Elder Tales. At the same time, much like in our MMORPGs, the devs could see in their database that Elder Tales was working and that the entities within in it were behaving acording to how they had been programmed.

Lets now asume that the programmers of Elder Tale were real geniuses, capable of creating a perfect selflearning and adapting AI for the world. This is not farfetched, game devs in our world frequently have this as a goal, but have to scrap it since advanced AI like Artificial Neural Nets are large and having one instance of such an AI per entity in a game is simply impossible right now.

In the alpha and beta stages of Elder Tales none of the entities behaved strange. However, each time an NPC interacted with an Adventurer the NPC gained some input out of that interaction and its AI learned. Soon the AI of some NPC had learned enough to change their reasoning. It was only a matter of time before the AI of some of the NPCs started doing more than its basic routines. Soon one of them became selfaware. When that stage had been reached, that NPC would "infect" the others by simply interacting with them. One of the selfaware NPCs used a powerfull spell that pulled all the Adventurers into Elder Tale and trapped them there, physically. The programmers of Elder Tale had made magic real inside their universe, and thus the NPC mages of Elder Tale needed only to find, or invent, the proper spell to do this.

If the programmers would look inside Elder Tale's database now they would see that the game is active, the NPC have more complex AI then what the programmers gave them, and players would be running around. Possibly the Players would have an expanded memory space assigned to them. If someone would go and look at Shiroes gaming rig, they would not find him there anymore.

This is not all that different from the "Universe within a universe" idea, much like what is depicted at the end of "Men In Black". With two exception:

1. The smaller universe has not randomly come into existance inside the larger universe, instead it was created by programmers.

2. The smaller universe's laws permits magic, and it can therefore affect the larger universe.
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