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Old 2014-01-14, 12:39   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2013
Originally Posted by noktown View Post
Most likely because he doesn't know for sure that he can win.But he knows for sure that the battle will not be easy.

But damn,I so wish to see the Akainu vs Aoikiji battle.I hope they will make a movie Akainu vs Aoikiji,where the first 10-20 minutes is a brief explanation of how it all started and the next hour is full battle.
well to me it seems obvious the conflict started because they have opposing ideals...aokiji is more laid back and for justice and akainu is absolute just screw everyone who gets in the way.

as for showing the battle i wanna see it to but right now it cant be shown for the reason that is would ruin the power scale. Oda would either have to nerf them so they dont look to op and make the rest of the series boring or he would have to show them full power and then the rest of the series until that point would look weak.

not to mention akainu is one of the finals luffy will face so it would ruin it to give away his full fight move list half way through the series.

as for dof. i agree but as i said we do not know where he is exactly so you cant say anything about him other then he is aboce vice if luffy solos he is to and that is if he solos but i assume dof will have to fight many foes and luffy will finish him off.
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