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Old 2014-01-23, 21:11   Link #1
Wild Goose
Truth Martyr
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Doing Anzu's paperwork.
Age: 38
Tales of Phantasia: FREE for iOS devices!

As related here, Tales of Phantasia has been ported for iOS, working for the iPhone and iPad. The catch is that so far, it's only available on the US and Canadian Appstores - so you'll need to have a US appstore account to get it.

Oh, and best thing: It's completely free, from start to finish, albeit there will be in-app purchases (like starting over from where you died, as opposed to your last save point), however the game itself can be played without dropping a cent, if you so desire.

I downloaded it this morning, and I plan to check it out later (having completely missed the Tales bandwagon).
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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