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Old 2014-02-06, 06:53   Link #2283
Itadaki-nyaaa !!
Join Date: Apr 2008
Lately I found that the more this series activates certain harem tropes the more I tend to expect an actual harem ending. It'd be a harem ending with certain preference for the obvious main girl (still Chitoge) but an unsolved harem nontheless.

I suppose the next important story arc (whenever that is ) may reveal more about how this series will develop.

As for rooting for a specific girl, I don't think there's much to actually root for in Nisekoi; it's no Ichigo100, where two girls were head-to-head for most of the time. The romance in general is getting less and less emphasized here; it wasn't that strong to begin, seeing how cliched it began. Imo the author correctly played to the manga's strengths and turned it into a rom COM.

You can still like certain characters more than others for different reasons, though. For instance my personal top 3 whacky faces are: 1. Chitoge's vengeful Banshee look featuring floating hair; 2. Haru's "teeth grinder"; 3. Kosaki's recent yandere smiles.
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