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Old 2014-02-18, 00:38   Link #7
Did nothing wrong
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Although internally, I have a good idea of which romantic pairings are optimal and consider their relative efficiency, I don't think that should really dominate the discussion, as in there's more to the narrative than romance. To be honest, I generally have a pretty low opinion of shippers. Rabid shippers in legitimate series discussions feel like pigeons to me-- they're relatively harmless and can be amusing to feed, but then they fly up and shit all over the place when overfed.

As a result I don't get butthurt. Clannad went a safe and mediocre route, though that's still better than series like Nanoha that don't do anything

You don't need a romantic outcome or silly things such as happy after ever endings to validate a so called "best" character's existence. So the main male character hits it with up with some scrub female character and the show doesn't even bother to have any hint of subtlety that the intent was that. Yea well, nothing changed.

But you have to realize that romance is far more about compatibility and chemistry. It's not about "Oh this girl is Masters level, this girl is bronze scrub, the dude should go for the former". For example, I think Shinji and Asuka are a pretty good couple in context. I can't really say I squee in pleasure when I see the two together. In fact, I'd say I'd have to go to the bathroom now. Though not as badly as viewing your average LN romance. And ultimately, it's a 2 way street. Just because it's good for one side doesn't mean it's good for both sides. And something like White Album 2 illustrates the point perfectly, in which getting together isn't necessarily a good thing.

Likewise I think something like Haruhi and Kyon is a great pairing given the narrative force and are certainly more pleasing to look at together even though I don't think Haruhi is my favorite female character for the series.

You really need to consider it context. If you pair these two characters together, is it really best for them and the story? Not just because you want to, but because it'll create something meaningful. So there's plenty of times where the "better" girl won but the road to the end didn't really create anything meaningful, like in True Tears, so I was like "okay! Whatever!"
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