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Old 2014-03-07, 19:36   Link #215
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Age: 33
Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
Journalists getting attacked, TV channels being blocked and replaced! News media told to stop broadcasting! UN envoy held at gunpoint by armed men! Those Ukrainians are terrible!!!
Western journalism, and journalism in general today, is very little concerned about the actual situation and prefers to take advantage of emotionally driven crap to raise its ratings. As we had for instance with this incident here:

A group of unarmed Ukrainian soldiers are marching with the Ukrainian flag along with the Soviet flag towards a post guarded by armed Russian soldiers.
Now, everyone including the Russians, Ukrainians and journalists understand that this is a clear provocative move and can easily trigger a bloody fallout. Do they care? Heck. The journalists are even swirling around the marching soldiers like ants, to show how vicious, bloodthirsty and immoral the grizzly Russians are.

That's how pathetic reporting is, especially today. So I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian command would prefer to avoid new provocations. Neither of the sides truly wants to kill anyone.

That side, it seems like all that hysteria will soon die down. All that sanction crap was to save face. It can't really hurt Russia enough for it to turn away from its geopolitical security interests.

Markets already see a Putin win

A grim case in point is the confrontation between Russia and the West in Ukraine. What makes this conflict so dangerous is that U.S. and EU policy seems to be motivated entirely by hope and wishful thinking. Hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin will “see sense” — or at least be deterred by the threat of sanctions to Russia’s economic interests and the personal wealth of his oligarch friends. Wishful thinking about “democracy and freedom” inevitably overcoming dictatorship and military bullying.

Investors and businesses cannot afford to be so sentimental. Though we should never forget Nathan Rothschild’s advice at the battle of Waterloo — “buy on the sound of gunfire” — the market response to this week’s events in Ukraine makes sense only if we believe that Russia has won.

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